There aren't many people out there who want LeBron to come the Knicks as much as I do, but since the Cavaliers lost to the Celtics I had a horrible horrible realization. Sportscenter is once again going to be unwatchable until at least the middle of July. For a long time you could not watch Sportscenter without hearing about Brett Favre's retirements and comebacks which is the main reason everyone hates the poor guy. Now Sportscenter is going to be absolutely drenched with coverage and speculation as to where LeBron is going to end up next year. All I'm asking is for Sportscenter to shut the fuck up about Lebron until maybe June 30th, the day before Lebron actually hits the free agent market. But if I have to sit through hours of LeBron James speculation for the next month and half when I'm just trying to find the Mets score I am going to throw up.
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