Friday, January 21, 2011

Called It

That’s right I call the Rangers scoring 7 goals on Wednesday night. Now am I the next Nostradamus? I don’t know, maybe I’m certainly not discounting the theory. Matter of fact if I was a betting man that’s where I would be putting a large portion of my chips if not all of them. I mean Nostradamus had like visions and shit, that kind of stuff happens to me all the time. The best part of the night besides being 100% right was my man Mats Zuccarello scored the 7th goal. When you put this little Norwegian bastard on ice he is a combination of Elijah Wood from Lord of the Rings and Elijah Wood from Green Street Hooligans. I could not have picked a better person to score that goal. The night was not all good though the Rangers scored 7 goals. Which could only mean they shot their load all over the place and probability wont score more then one goal in any of their next 10 games.


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